دراسة تطور المكثفات ذو المرونة الفائقة
تطوير المكثفات فائقة المرونة
There has been a growing interest in flexible energy storage devices to meet the diverse requirements of modern applications, such as wearable electronics. Therefore, there is a great need to use energy efficiently and develop renewable and clean energy sources to facilitate sustainable development. Flexible energy storage devices are manufactured to provide energy that can be transported to where it is needed and conserved in terms of the effect of mechanical properties on it. Energy storage devices such as batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, and super-flexible double-layer capacitors include many types in terms of flexibility and performance of charging and discharging energy. Therefore, each type of flexible device has advantages and disadvantages in terms of the various manufacturing stages and methods starting from the basic materials used, performance, cost, and actual life. This paper discusses the findings of researchers on super-flexible double-layer capacitors in terms of the types of flexible materials used in electrodes, current collectors, electrolytes, and basic substrates for the final stages of packaging, as well as in terms of their retention degree and how to increase the energy density of supercapacitors based on material development.