عن المجلة

Elmergib Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EJEEE)

EJEEE  Journal  Is a peer-reviewed international journal publiched biannually by Elmergib University - Libya.

EJEEE aims to the clear and honest voice of Electrical and Electronic Engineering science research activities in and out of Libya.

EJEEE endorse and dissiminate high quality, original research and analysis in the form of articles, review commentaries, case summaries and other analysis relevant to its mandate.

Peer Review Process

EJEEE is multidisplinary peer-reviewed journal intended to cover the branches of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  sciences, created to provide services for the research and researchers on OJS with zero cost. Published by Elmergib University, an accredited scientific institution in Libya. Guarantees that the editor desicion based on a peer reveiw results will not exceed few weeks from the paper submission date. 

Provides a high research paper editing service in Electrical and Electronic Engineering sciences. Offer top-quality research paper editing for all variants of postgraduate Electrical and Electronic Engineering educational level.

EJEEE now administered using full online submission, and all EJEEE submitted manuscript will be checked for plagiarism.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


EJEEE :  Issued by Department of Electrical and Computr Engineering 

Faculty of Engineering

Elmergib University       

Al-khoms Libya